Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Day(s)

It was a very exciting Christmas morning.  We have been known to take a long time opening our Christmas presents in the Haines family, but this year we really took it slow.  We didn't finish up until about 4:00 pm on Dec 26!

Chef Grant in his new hat, prepares our traditional Christmas Breakfast- Gingerbread Waffles and vanilla syrup.

Some exciting gifts.

You can just imagine, can't you?

Spencer has been wanting this cheetah for several Christmases now.
This was in the box.
Laurel's got a new hobby.

A lovely, mostly meatless, Christmas feast.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Eve

This year we went caroling- with bells

All dressed up to portray the Christmas story

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

After Thanksgiving

We've made it a tradition to travel a little and explore our state on the long weekend after Thanksgiving.  This year we took a trip to Norfolk, VA.  We toured the Nauticus museum and the battleship Wisconsin.  We went to play on Mt. Trashmore.  We took in dinner and a movie at Cinema Cafe and spent the night at a hotel.  Then on Saturday we explored the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.

They had a 3D shark movie. 

The kitchen on a battleship

Rolling down the side of Mt. Trashmore

The longest shadow Spencer will ever have.
Speedy feet 

In the Crape Myrtle forest

Playing in the sand

Lots of mermaids in Norfolk

Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween costumes from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

Laurel got to be a princess for halloween again this year


Obi-Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
One cute Wookie
My outfit isn't really a costume but it is really appropriate.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Haunted House with Legos

In preparation of Halloween Spencer and the rest of the family felt inspired to make a haunted house from legos.  This is what we came up with:

It's a lot to take in all at once

Swamp monsters creeping in

Look out for snakes in the pumpkin patch


Spiders and zombies make their way through the graveyard

That is one spooked trick or treater

Skeleton knight at the door

On the left is the inferno

We even have one of those creepy paintings with the shifty eyes

A cyborg stalks the hallway lined with medieval weapons and a suit of armor

Vampires come out for a sip

The witch is concocting a brew

Her one eyed cat is checking out the collection of eyeballs in her trunk
The monster creating room

It's alive!

This guy goes out back

Werewolves and bat creatures lurk in the perimeter


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A day at the beach

After a long week back at work, Scott took off a day and we went to Sandbridge for a day at the beach.  We spent a lot of time splashing, boarding and digging in the sand.