Sunday, March 1, 2015

Scott and Jen in San Diego

Scott attended the 2015 North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society conference in San Diego, California. The conference was a good meeting but this post is about the other stuff we did in San Diego.

The first day we arrived, we arranged for a special sand castle building lesson from a professional sand sculptor.

Jen and Kristine dumping in heaps of sand and water

Mixing is an important step

We made a 3 tier design.

Now that the forms are made, it's time to sculpt.

Always work from the top down.

Scott actually did his share of the work, but also took most of the pictures.

Check out those arches.

3 hours later...

All done!
We got to tour the Midway- an aircraft carrier museum.  This particular plane is called the cougar.
Seals gathering at the coast of La Jolla
We rented bikes and spent a day riding around Balboa park visiting museums...
... and gardens.
We learned about the local history at the Mormon Battalion site.  
We even got out of San Diego long enough to take a fun hike in the mountains.

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