Saturday, March 14, 2020


Jen accompanied Scott to NANOS meeting in Amelia Island, Florida. Jen's parents came to town to watch our kids. While we were in Florida we stopped in for an afternoon with my parents and made it to some other destinations.
The whole trip was weird with all the travel restrictions for coronavirus. After the meeting was over we got news that VCU had a travel ban, and we just made it home today. Everyone is doing well.

Check out my vacation pics (they got a bit jumbled, so these are not in chronological order):

From the Okefenokee Swamp 

Lots of Spanish moss. (Named for the appearance of the Spaniards beards)

We went snorkeling in the Three Sisters' Spring

We spent one afternoon building sand castles and swimming in the ocean.

The wetsuits were awesome. We had the whole beach to ourselves, too.

This day we decided to skip lunch and just had milkshakes instead. Only on vacation.

Yup, we found a manatee. This was the only time it moved, while we were watching. Just came up once to breathe.

In the Okefenokee swamp (which we safely explored on a large craft) there were gators all over the place.

Bottle trees help ward off evil spirits. Only in the South.

We got to Kayak around Kings Bay and found some amazing spots.

Sunset in the Okefenokee Swamp 

We took this boat on a tour from Amelia Island up to Cumberland Island in Georgia.

A fun lunch at the biscuit barn. Good Southern cooking.

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