Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our new house in Virginia


Jen said...

Congratulations on moving on to the next phase in your lives!!! The house looks beautiful!!!

Kim said...

Virginia!!?? Where in Virginia? It seems like you just barely left NC. Beautiful home. But I want more details. Which I am now realizing you probably don't want to put on your blog. If you get a minute, send me an email.

Kim said...

Virginia!!?? Where in Virginia? It seems like you just barely left NC. Beautiful home. But I want more details. Which I am now realizing you probably don't want to put on your blog. If you get a minute, send me an email.

vdhfamtng said...

Love the house, so beautiful!! So happy for you!

Carol said...

Can't wait to come and see all of you and the house!! So excited for you!