Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halloween Costumes

Toy Soldiers
We won the prize for best costume at the church Halloween party. On Halloween, we were asked to pose for a picture about six times. Several houses made a point to give the kids extra candy because they liked the costume so much. 
Mostly this was a bunch of old clothes and old toys and a lot of green paint. We bought some green pantyhose to wear on our faces, then went to the hardware store and bought a gallon of matching green paint. It turns out we needed two gallons to do everything. Each costume had a shirt, pants, helmet (from the dollar store) belt, gloves, shoe covers and a cardboard cut out for the feet. We have sniper, a rifle, a bazooka, a radio, a scout and a grenade. Altogether, we spent sixty bucks for all the paint pantyhose and miscellaneous purchases.  $10 per costume, not too bad.

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